1939 – 1945 The War Years

In accordance with the instructions contained in the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge of Wednesday, 5th June 1946, the following is a report of the activities of the Lodge and its Members during the war years September 1939 to August 1945.

During the period under review 24 meetings were held at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, one of these being an Emergency Meeting

The Meeting fixed to take place on the 10th December 1940 had to be cancelled owing to enemy action which resulted in a number of members suffering from loss of their homes, businesses and family casualties. The Lodge recorded its sympathy to all concerned.

Lest we forgetSeven members joined the Lodge, six being initiates and one joining member. Unfortunately the Lodge had to record the death of seven Brethren and one resignation. Included in the number of deaths was that of Lodge Inner Guard, who was killed by enemy action on the evening of 19th April 1941.

Owing to the Hotel Great Central, Marylebone, having been taken over by the authorities in June 1940 it was found necessary to find a temporary meeting place and arrangements were made to meet at the Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street. The first meeting held there was on Tuesday 8th October 1940.

In 1945 the Hotel Great Central was purchased by the London & North Eastern Railway Company and it is satisfactory to note that permanent arrangements were made to transfer meetings to Freemasons Hall.

During 1940 and 1944 the date of meetings of the Lodge were altered to take place during the summer months and from 1945 were resumed to the regular days in accordance with the Lodge By-Laws.

During this period the list of Lodge members that participated in the war effort was as following :-

Six members serving with H.M. Forces Overseas

Five members served with the Home Forces

Nineteen members served with the Home Guard and Defence Units

This is part of a report by the Lodge Secretary to Grand Lodge in October 1946

The Lodge decides to place on record the following:-

A. Appreciation and grateful thanks to the Grand Secretary for the facilities granted during 1940 and 1945 and to the Members of his staff for the courtesy and assistance rendered.

B. Grateful thanks to all Members of the Lodge who served in H.M. Forces both Overseas and at Home and to those who served with the Home Guard and Defence Units, for their loyalty and valuable services.

C. To the Secretary of the Lodge for his faithful and devoted services.

8th October 1946

The 6th City of London Rifles’ Old Comrade Association continued to operate a yearly reunion with members of the Lodge every year until the early 1980’s. These reunions were held at the Union Jack Club in Waterloo.